Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chinese Food

The blog today is about me.

There something to be said about tradition. Thanksgiving and Christmas are two days when I really enjoy a good feast. A feast where after the meal, you need to go lie on the couch, turn on the TV and, take a short nap. The meal is of course turkey, and turkey means cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, carrots, pumpkin pie and, lots and lots of gravy!!! This is a tradition that marks the beginning of fall, the "fall feast" I call it! Vegetarians come at their own risk.
This year was a little different, on my wife's suggestion, we went out to eat….a chinese restaurant of all places. Somehow eating rice, honey garlic pork, tofu, crab and some unknown fish is not what I pictured the pilgrams eating during their time of giving thanks. I mean, did the pilgrams become lazy and ordered take-out from Manchu Wok? Were they thankful for T&T opening up? I looked and looked for a turkey item on the menu, the closest thing they had was chicken....and it was steamed (gross).

Let’s remind ourselves that rice is not a substitute for mashed potatoes, pork is not turkey, tofu is definitely not turkey, crab is not pumpkin pie and, the pilgrams would have packed it up and gone home if they were served fish.

In the end, my wife went to Safeway and bought me a pumpkin pie that night, so all was not lost.

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