Monday, November 23, 2009

The Concept of Sharing

A discussion I had with Andrew on Saturday:

At home....
Me: "Andrew, have you finished your lunch yet? We're going to Costco"
Andrew: "I'm not really that hungry dad, I had a big breakfast."
Me: "Are you sure?"
Andrew: "Yeah dad, let's go."
Me: "Ok, let's go."

One hour later....
Andrew: "Dad, I'm hungry, can we get some chicken fingers and french fries?"
Me: "I thought you told me you weren't hungry?"
Andrew: "I'm hungry now."
Me: "我不饿。俺一饿。弥补您的想法!"
Andrew: "Please..."
Me: "Ok, but eat the chicken fingers first before you eat the fries, and share the fries with your brother."
Andrew: "Ok dad...thanks!"

10 minutes later...
Andrew: "Dad, I finished the chicken, can I eat the fries now?"
Me: "Ok, remember to save some for your brother."

10 minutes later...
Andrew: "Dad you can have the container back, I'm done. The rest of the fries are for Caleb. Isn't it nice of me to share with him?"

Me: "我应该留在床上,让我的妻子带他们购物."
Andrew: "Can you get me a Sprite?"


Tofuland said...

Um, Uncle Ming, why do you have these random Chinese sentences in your blog?

Parents of Andrew and Caleb said...
