A follow-up to a previous post:
Top Ten Things Not to Say to Your Pregnant Wife
10) Can you walk faster!
9) I think my mom has clothes that will now fit you.
8) You're hungry, again!
7) Have your ankles gotten bigger, or is that my imagination?
6) Piece of cake ehh?
5) Just think, you get a year off!
4) Boy, this caffine drink tastes great with chocolates.
3) Math, we can do without it.
2) Just think of all the free time you'll have with the baby in the first year. I mean, not that you did a lousy job cleaning the house, but you can do it on weekedays while I am at work.
.....And the Number One thing not to say to your pregnant wife,
1) How much of the weight you've gain is attributed to the baby?