Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Moment That Was!

Andrew recently had a day off from school. A few of the parents got together and decided to send the kids to Science World. Great idea!! I'll send my Andrew and my husband, he can take the day off and capture some special "kodak" moments of Andrew that we can then cherish forever and ever!

Guess who forgot to bring a camera? Also, just a reminder for those people who keep their cell phones in their pockets and occasionally uses them when they are in need of a camera, it may be a good idea to check that there isn't a build-up of lint over the lens.

Anyways, the only picture with any clarity whatsoever was this one of Andrew's school friends. There are (from left to right)....Anne, Claudia and Aza. Claudia normally doesn't look like this, I think her mom may have given her one too many coffees that day.

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