Monday, December 7, 2009

Surprise for the Boys

My husband has to go away on a business trip next week so he took the boys out for a little adventure while I did some work around the house. They will go on these mysterious adventures that seem to take up the whole day. He won't tell them what the surprise was until he arrives at the destination!

Today's adventure was to the Baker's Market. This is a new activity being offered where local bakers got together to sell their freshly baked goods. The boys loved at as they got to try many different things, after all the sampling, they had no room for lunch. My hubby brought me home this Mexican pastry that looked so was apparently so good, Andrew wanted to have another one after devouring his pastry.

The boys also got to visit Santa over the weekend. My husband agreed to play Jolly Ole Saint Nick for Caleb's preschool luncheon. The costume was so hot that he was perspiring like he was playing hockey....poor guy and with the pillow under his outfit, he looked more like he was pregnant than jolly! Andrew knew it was his dad, Caleb didn't have a clue!

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